problem: my dog is broke the leg result: can die or emfermar Council: take it to the clinic as quickly as possible so they operate or give the right treatment that will cure
earlier in the school I liked much study for exhibitions and projects of learning also shared much with my best friends andrea and daniela liked to eat with them and share my favorite music is of evanescence, I like to eat pizza
jueves, 5 de julio de 2012
I played with Barbie since childhood was what I liked best to do and hang out with my cousin
It seems hard on the outside, but has great heart, straight, firm and resolute, good and hardworking man.
That is a father, strength, courage and value, the family shelter, shelter, shelter and bread.
On this father's day I embrace and greet special to all parents in the world Happy day dads!
have two excellent that parents who love me and want to are very hard workers and they are slaughtered for giving me my studies are two excellent people that is why the i love and i would like your sleep is graduated me